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Sunday, February 16, 2025


China backhaul costs mirror headhaul rate shifts

Rates on the Europe to Asia trades have mirrored headhaul trades with China’s import cargo paying more for carriage since the Red Sea crisis...

Reefer market soars in 2022, challenges expected in next year

According to Dynamar analysis, container carriers and conventional reefer operators "hit the jackpot" in 2022, after struggling for many years and after a relatively...

Dynamar Feedering Analysis 2022

Dynamar B.V. has recently issued its latest study, "Feedering Analysis 2022: Trades, Operators, Hubs", which features data, details and analyses of: Seven main feeder...

Only slowing demand will sort Asian container backlog

Ports on both sides of the Pacific will not see relief from the congestion that is currently blighting the facilities until there is a...

ESC slams “immoral” lines

European shippers believe that the shipping lines’ reaction to the slump in demand as a result of the pandemic has been understandable, initially, but...

IMO 2020 will result in scrapping of older reefer tonnage, says Dynamar

A surge in the scrapping of container tonnage is expected this year as a consequence of the introduction of the new fuel sulphur regulations...
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