Green Marine certified the Port of Oakland this week through its environmental programme. The certification process supports the Californian port’s transition to zero emissions operations. The Port of Oakland doubled down on its commitment to the environment by joining Green Marine earlier this year.
Green Marine is a non-profit organisation established in Canada and the United States committed to developing sustainable environmental practices in the marine industry. Members are encouraged to take “concrete, measurable actions” beyond their regulatory obligations, according to the organisation.
“We look forward to fostering a collaborative partnership with Green Marine, and its members,” stated Colleen Liang, acting director of the Port’s Environmental Programs and Planning division, who added, “Achieving the rigorous standards imposed by Green Marine’s program provides an additional path towards our goal of a zero-emissions port.”
The prestigious Green Marine certification highlights and codifies the Port’s environmental accomplishments. A yearly self-assessment of the Port of Oakland’s environmental performance in nine categories is part of the certification process. A bi-yearly independent audit follows the self-assessment procedure.
The Port of Oakland has made it a high priority to begin a number of initiatives that will help it achieve its goal of becoming a zero-emissions port by 2050 while also preparing for responsible expansion. The Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan provides a framework for programs addressing air quality, community health problems, and climate change.