Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has confirmed it suffered a cyber attack during the previous week, which forced them to go offline for more than five days.
The website, the main booking platform (myMSC) and some other digital tools of the second-largest container shipping carrier were down from 9 April until the services were restored yesterday (15 April).
“After a thorough investigation, we confirmed that it was confined to a limited number of physical computer systems in Geneva only and we determined that it was a malware attack based on an engineered targeted vulnerability,” stated the Swiss firm.
Container News reported MSC system shutdown
MSC malware incident follows the cyber attacks that hit Maersk and COSCO back in 2017 and 2018, respectively. That means that the top-3 container shipping companies have all suffered malware attacks in the space of the last three years.
Antonis Karamalegkos