MPC Container Ships (MPCC) has entered into joint retrofit agreements with various charter customers. Under these agreements, both the charterer and MPCC will share the costs of retrofit investments followed by an extension of the vessels’ time-charter contracts.
“This collaborative effort reduces open charter positions, increases contract coverage for 2024 and beyond and enhances the overall efficiency of the fleet,” said MPCC in its announcement.
In an initiative, MPCC has partnered with Unifeeder in a joint investment for the construction of a 1,250 TEU dual-fuel methanol newbuilding. Scheduled for delivery in late 2026, this vessel will be under a seven-year time-charter deal with Unifeeder post-delivery.
Through these selective investments, MPCC aims to reduce its carbon footprint and create long-term shareholder value by extending charters and enhancing the long-term competitiveness of its fleet, while remaining committed to its low-leverage strategy and distribution policy.