Yang Ming's announcement:
Tender for selling 2,301 units used reefer containers will be held. Company who is interested in is welcome to join.
The Bidding Instruction and the quotation form is for you to follow. please read carefully before you send the quotation. However, the Biding Instruction is provisional version at present, Yang Ming will update the content at all time and provide the final version before the completion of bidding meeting.
Please offer your price base on the quotation requirement stated on the bidding instruction and the offer must be valid until the completion of the Bidding Meeting, which is tentatively scheduled on 10:00 AM 4th Sep, 2018, at Yang Ming Head Quarter (Address: 271 Ming De 1st Road, Cidu District, Keelung, Taiwan(R.O.C.)), However Yang Ming reserves the right to reschedule the date and will notify bidders prior to the tentative date.
The quotation form must be signed and sent to [email protected] "ONLY" not later than 12:00 PM 24th Aug, 2018 (closing time, Taipei local time) and the required amount of bid bond pursuant to the bidding instruction must be submitted before the Bidding Meeting is also required.
Please send a notice email (WITHOUT attaching your quotation form) to PIC of the tender – Jason Chou (email address: [email protected], Tel: +886-2-2455-0745) to notify that you have sent the quotation form to the designated email address and which way you would submit the bid bond.
2018 Bidding Instruction_2.pdf
Appendix1 20180810 AGED RQ LOCATION_2.pdf
Appendix 2 LOU_2.doc
Quotation Form_3.docx