Containers are the most used transport units in world trade. There are many goods that are transported by ship and of very diverse types and, with the appearance of the container in the mid-20th century; the majority of cargo began to be transported in containers. The container has been evolving and over time new units have been designed that adapt to almost any nature of merchandise or type of cargo.
There are different types of containers that cover different needs. The choice of one or the other will depend on the merchandise you want to transport. Know the characteristics of each container and choose the one that best suits your needs.
What is a Container?
A container, also known as a swap bodies – exchangeable containers on Truck1, is a large, retrievable metal packaging of internationally standardized types and dimensions that has devices that facilitate its handling. This allows intermodal transport, the articulation between different modes of transport (by land, sea or air) with a single cargo unit (the container).
The container is used to transport heavy materials or palletized merchandise and its objective is to protect the merchandise so that it reaches its destination intact.
Freight Container: Characteristics
There are containers of different dimensions, structure and materials, although their shape and characteristics are standardized, which speed up their transportation, loading and unloading.
Most containers are made of steel, although there is also aluminum or fiberglass-reinforced plywood. Likewise, all of them usually have wooden floors and an interior anti-humidity coating. Their twist locks, placed at each corner, allow them to be hooked to special cranes, trucks, trains, planes or ships.
Every container is identified by an alphanumeric code made up of four letters and seven numbers.
Types of Containers
The most common containers are the following:
- Dry van (dry container): they are the most used on the market. They are hermetically sealed and have neither cooling nor ventilation. These also include what is known as a high cube (large capacity container), which has 13% more capacity and is intended for the heaviest loads. These containers usually transport machines, furniture, boxes…
- Reefer (refrigerated container): these are characterized by being able to regulate their temperature, which can range from 18 to 30 degrees. Food is usually transported in them and they are also available in a high cube model.
- Open top: these containers are open at the top, allowing the load to protrude. They are the most used in the transport of bulky goods.
- Flat rack: this container lacks side walls and, sometimes, also the front and rear walls. It is used for atypical loads.
- Open side: they have a side opening, which is why they are used to transport very long goods.
- Tank (tank container): indicated for the transport of bulk liquids, whether dangerous (chemicals, fuel) or not (water, oil). They include a polyethylene tank inside.
- Flexi-tank: the flexi-tank is also used to transport bulk liquids, which is why it is used as an alternative to the tank. The difference is that it has a flexible, single-use polyethylene bag inside, known as a flexi bag.
- Pallet Containers: These are a flat wooden structure with a steel frame without any walls. They are used to support heavy weights in small areas.
- Conair (isothermal container): used to transport goods that require a constant temperature. It does not have a cold chamber, so it cannot regulate the degrees, but only keep them constant.
- Clip on: helps maintain cold during door-to-door transfers thanks to its auxiliary equipment.
- Hipobaric container: used to transport perishable plant products, such as fruit or flowers. It not only allows you to control the temperature and humidity, but also the concentration of gases inside.
- Bulk container: used to transport dry goods in bulk, such as flour, salt or cement. This is introduced into the container using flexible hoses or pipes.
- Livestock container (cage container): used in the transport of live animals. To promote ventilation, one of its walls is not solid.
- Car container: open and without side walls, it is designed to hold vehicles.
What Container Do I Choose For My Merchandise?
Choosing a suitable container for your merchandise is essential so that it reaches its destination in good condition and on time. At Truck1 we take care of finding the one that best adapts swap bodies Krone to the characteristics of your cargo, regardless of its weight or dimensions.