Maersk has announced the launch of a new dedicated coastal service to New Zealand, which is named "Maersk Coastal Connect".
The Danish carrier believes this...
Hapag-Lloyd will revise its detention charges in New Zealand with effect from 2 March 2020, as follows:
Export Detention
Import Detention
Calculation: Commences from date/time container is...
Maersk continues to tailor its New Zealand service network to deliver efficiencies throughout the supply chain whilst also supporting its customers’ business growth and...
The European Commission published two reports summarizing the progress made during the latest negotiating rounds for the EU-Indonesia and EU-New Zealand trade agreements.
The sixth round of negotiations for an EU-Indonesia...
With effect from November 1, 2018, Hapag-Lloyd will revise the Terminal Handling Charges at New Zealand Destination ports as follows:
Import Terminal Handling Destination (THD)
From transporting to storing to organizing merchandise, the storage container takes top priority. Whether you're clearing your home, moving, or stashing merchandise, good storage...
In today's global economy, container shipping is essential to the functioning of numerous supply chains. Efficiently moving goods across oceans is essential to every...
How frequently do you, either as a driver or pedestrian witness or hear about traffic accidents? Unfortunately, road accidents have become an everyday occurrence...