Event organization to promote security in the Mediterranean through the creation of a cluster for Maritime Surveillance
On July 19, 2018, PPA SA organizes an event on Marine Surveillance in the Mediterranean which will take place at PPA, 10 Akti Miaouli, PI 18538, Piraeus. The event is a key activity within the Interreg MED project “PROmoting security and safeTy by crEating a MED clUster on Maritime Surveillance” (PROteuS).
PROteuS aims to promote innovation, capacity building and enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs operating in the Marine Surveillance Area in the Mediterranean region. Initially, this will be done through the creation and promotion of national maritime surveillance nodes in 6 Mediterranean countries (France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Portugal) and then through the creation of the Mediterranean cluster to develop partnerships in maritime surveillance issues to enhance security in the Mediterranean.
The event aims to update the local ecosystem of maritime surveillance on the Greek node and the actions of the Mediterranean Cooperative for Maritime Surveillance.
For further information please contact the representative of the Greek Node Coordinator, Mr. Dimitrios Spyrou(Â [email protected]Â tel. 2104060883).