From July 01 to September 30, 2018, unless otherwise specifically indicated in the rate system or service contract, the following “tariff Bunker Charge” will be accessed on all base freight rates listed in the tariff or service contract.
For cargos moving into U.S. West Coast or inland destinations via West Coast ports:
US$ 250 per 20′ all types
US$ 310 per 40′ all types, except High Cube
US$ 350 per 40′ High Cube
US$ 390 per 45′ all types
For cargos moving from U.S. West Coast ports to Far East countries:
US$ 345 per 20′ all types
US$ 430 per 40′ all types, except High Cube
US$ 430 per 40′ High Cube
US$ 485 per 45′ all types
Above Bunker charge is applicable for all types.