The South Korean government is discussing the offloading of the state's shares in HMM with the Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Development Bank (KDB) and...
It turns out that 67% of HMM's surplus US$4 billion funds have been deposited in low-interest funds managed by its largest shareholder Korea Development...
Korea Development Bank chairman, Lee Dong-gull has called on HMM to improve its salary system and disclosed that the state policy lender will inevitably...
Korea Development Bank (KDB), which is already the largest shareholder of HMM, will double its stake in South Korea's flagship liner operator by changing...
Korea Development Bank (KDB) has vowed to carry out intense reform of Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) to normalize the ailing shipping firm's management. KDB...
From transporting to storing to organizing merchandise, the storage container takes top priority. Whether you're clearing your home, moving, or stashing merchandise, good storage...
In today's global economy, container shipping is essential to the functioning of numerous supply chains. Efficiently moving goods across oceans is essential to every...
How frequently do you, either as a driver or pedestrian witness or hear about traffic accidents? Unfortunately, road accidents have become an everyday occurrence...