The Port of Los Angeles has released a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Draft SEIR) to update the 2009 San Pedro Waterfront EIS/EIR for the West Harbor Modification Project.
The project proposal includes constructing a roughly 6,200-seat amphitheatre covering 9,300 square meters on 37,230 square meters of Port property leased to West Harbor.
Additionally, a 2,600-space parking lot is planned near San Pedro to serve both theatergoers and other waterfront visitors.
The Draft SEIR identifies significant and unavoidable impacts from the project related to air quality (including greenhouse gas emissions), noise, and transportation.
The Draft SEIR, prepared in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, is available for public review on the Port of Los Angeles website at, while a virtual public meeting for the project will be held at 4 p.m. on 14 November, via Zoom, with simultaneous Spanish translation provided.