The three Navigation and Port Councils of the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), València, Sagunto and Gandia, have new members.
On 13 May, in a mixed format (face-to-face and virtual), the Port Community, the social agents, the business sectors and the Administration that make up the three Councils chose their representatives.
This assistance and information body of the Harbour Master’s Office and the Port Authority has as its representatives natural and legal persons who request it and who have an interest in the proper functioning of the ports and maritime trade, a body created following the provisions of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy. Through this channel, they can express their opinion on issues relating to the proper functioning of the respective ports.
Specifically, the València, Sagunto and Gandia Councils are made up of members of the PAV and of all the sectors and agents interested in port activity, a broad and interdisciplinary representation made up of entities such as the ports themselves, Capitanía Marítima, state security forces and corps, town councils, external health, Generalitat Valenciana, state administration, maritime rescue, logistics platforms, trade unions, chamber of commerce, shipping companies, freight forwarders, moorers, carriers, stevedoring companies, tugboats or pilots, among others.
A broad representation of the entire community that is an active part of the port action that acts as a forum for consensus and advice that will help to coordinate the relations of the port community with the aim of improving the operation and competitiveness of the ports of València, Sagunto and Gandia.