MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company has announced the launch of ID-based container pick-up. This decision came after a successful test phase with Van Moer Logistics and MSC PSA European Terminal (MPET) in 2022.
More specifically, this technology is going to allow MSC containers to be released for transport using ID and biometric data, rather than a PIN code, improving security across the supply chain.
Moreover, the ID-based pick-up process is part of the ongoing rollout of Secure Container Release (SCR) at MPET in the port of Antwerp in Belgium.
SCR gives MSC containers the opportunity to be collected at the terminal by scanning the haulier’s Alfapass, biometric data and specific Truck Appointment Reference (TAR) code at the In-Gate, instead of using a PIN code.
In fact, technology experts T-Mining invested more than five years in developing and testing the underlying blockchain technology, used by SCR.
MSC has tested the technology with partners Van Moer Logistics and MPET and the results were positive.
In addition, the project is now entering the final phase of its rollout, the objective of which is to enable a 100% PIN-code-free, secure process for container release.