MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company has announced a seasonal blanking programme implementation amid the evolving Covid-19 situation.
The Swiss-based container shipping firm will temporarily suspend its Dragon and Swan services during the second quarter of 2020, effective from week 15.
The programme will start with the following omissions:
Vessel MSC Venice, voyage FD015W, ETA Shanghai 8 April 2020
All shipments to East Mediterranean will be offered on Tiger service via induced Piraeus call or Tekirdag
Vessel MSC Sixin, voyage 015W, ETA Qingdao 8 April 2020
To and Via: Rotterdam, Felixstowe and Antwerp.
All shipments from Qingdao, Busan, Ningbo, Yantian and Tanjung Pelepas be served via alternative services.
“Customers may continue to place bookings with limited disruption as we are arranging a contingency plan with alternative services,” said MSC.
The shipping company added that additional blank sailings on other services might be announced during the coming weeks, depending on market demand.