To free Chittagong port’s yard space as well as the containers which remained occupied for long time, the Chittagong Customs started destroying cargoes of a number of boxes this week.
The customs authority has already destroyed cargoes of 63 containers in the last two days and will destroy cargoes of 382 more containers from Sunday, 11 September.
These containers were brought to the port between 2004 and 2018 but the importers did not take delivery.
Currently, there are 7,500 TEU auctionable containers at the port yard which the importers did not take in time or did not apply for time extension but they are occupying the yard space for a long time. According to the port data, 273 containers contain dangerous cargo.
The cargoes are being destroyed in a free place close to the dumping station of Chittagong City Corporation.
Officials say the process will take nearly a month and will help free the yard space. According to the port law, importers need to take delivery of containers within 30 days of their common landing.
If they do not take delivery of containers or seek time extension, the port authority can send the boxes to the auction yard requesting Customs officials to start processing for selling the cargoes through auction.
Asked why the containers remained at the auction yard for long period, an official of the Chittagong Port Authority said the customs department had no place to destroy cargoes. There is a need for help from Chittagong City Corporation to find a place every time a move is taken to destroy cargoes.
Moreover, some importers file cases in the courts so that their cargoes are not auctioned or destroyed, according to the official.
Sharar Nayel
Asia Correspondent