Call for proposals 2018 of the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation: 16 associations and 8,000 children supported as part of the theme « Promoting equal opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds »
The CMA CGM Corporate Foundation is pleased to announce the name of the associations that will be rewarded following its 2018 call for proposals on the theme “Promoting equal opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds”.
This year, 16 French and Lebanese associations were selected, and their initiatives aim at improving the living conditions, wellbeing and fulfillment of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The Foundation notably supports:
- cultural, social and crime prevention actions through classical music,
- the development of a multi-activity field,
- tutorship for deserving pupils from sensitive neighborhoods,
- learning of digital tools.
Due to the high number of applications received, the Foundation has decided to rise the global subsidies envelope from 160,000 € to 220,000 €.
On this occasion, Naïla Saadé, President of the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation, declared: “The CMA CGM Corporate Foundation pursues its mission to support children and received this year the record number of 180 applications as part of its new call for proposals. After in-depth examination of each application, we have retained sixteen outstanding projects that will improve the life of children coming from disadvantaged backgrounds in France and in Lebanon”
Since 2005, the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation supported more than 200 humanitarian and social projects to bring a concrete support to fragilized childhood.
The associations and projects supported by the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation this year are:
French Associations | Projects supported by the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation |
IMAJE Santé is a center located in the city center of Marseilles. Its goal is to help young people facing difficulty as well as socially-excluded minors in the domains of physical and mental health and their social situation. | The improvement of the reception areas and of the psychological support of isolated minors in the streets or placed by the childhood social services (“Aide Sociale à l’Enfance”). |
APIS, the Association de Promotion de l’Ingénierie Socio-Educative promotes a high-quality approach within socio-educative organisms, notably through pedagogic animations and training courses, and the reinforcement of the social bond among associations. | The acquisition of musical instruments as part of a social support program called « Harmonie Cités » based on the collective learning of orchestra music. |
Les Apprentis d’Auteuil is implicated in welcoming, training and supporting the integration of youg people facing difficulties. Apprentis d’Auteuil is committed to children and works on childhood protection and parental support. | The development of a green rooftop at the “Maison des familles”, a reception, meeting and exchanges venue for children and parents. |
Fraternité de la Belle de Mai has been involved in popular education and reception in Marseilles for nearly 140 years. It is a leisure center that offers literacy and computing courses, support for administrative procedures, and access to rights. | The arrangement and equipment of a multi-activity field initiated by pupils from the Belle de Mai neighborhood (Marseilles, France), who will also follow the project. |
SCO Ste Marguerite association – L’Ecole des pointes: The club SCO Sainte Marguerite was created in 1936 with a football section. Today, the SCO Sainte Marguerite develops activities in different disciplines (karate, athletics, volley ball), as well as social and educational actions, of which L’Ecole des pointes is part. | The Acquisition of sports material for the animation of athletics activities in order to encourage talents detection and access to sports in sensitive areas. |
ANEF (Association Nationale d’Entraide Feminine): This association counts 11 institutes (sections), spread around the national territory. The ANEF Provence section was created in 1959. Its missions are the rehabilitation, the social and professional insertion and the protection of children, teenagers and adults who are excluded or in moral or physical danger. | The renovation and equipment of the kitchen and laundry room of a hall for teenagers in great difficulty. |
Association ASCC, Association Sportive et Culturelle La Castellane, implements educative, citizen and sportive projects for Castellane’s inhabitants in order to encourage neighborhood life. | The Acquisition of a minibus allowing the neighborhood’s children to have access to diverse leisure activities. |
Association Coup de Pouce allows every child, regardless of his or her social and family context, to have access to a scholar success path through different programs: Reading and writing club for 1st grade children, or reading, writing and math club for 2nd graders and a language club for children in last year of kindergarten. | The Acquisition of Coup de Pouce packages containing playful and educative material for children to learn how to read in order to prevent premature school dropout. |
Centre social de Culture Ouvrière contributes to developing access to culture, as well as individual and collective promotion through internships, vocational training and conferences. | The acquisition and design of a minibus serving as a mobile annex to Sainte Marthe Social Center. |
The Institut Télémaque accompanies high potential young teenagers from secondary school in sensitive neighborhoods. It includes individual tutoring (by a partner business employee), an educational referent, collective tutoring and financial support. | The funding of scholarships for 5 secondary school high potential pupils from sensitive neighborhoods; This project includes in-business tutoring and support from an educational referent. |
Lebanese Associations | Projects supported by the CMA CGM Corporate Foundation |
Société Saint Vincent de Paul assists the most disadvantaged and gives them medical, educational and social support. In 1990, near Beirut, the association built a school that welcomes today around 600 pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. | The renovation and modernization of the library to transform it into a Documentation center. |
ASSABIL aims at promoting reading by creating free public libraries open to all. It works on giving access to information, contributing to the development of knowledge for marginalized and vulnerable communities. | The acquisition of digital tablets and books, and educational software dedicated to digital learning in public libraries and the bus-library (Kotobus) of the association. |
Dar Al Amal was originally created to defend young women victim of prostitution. Since the 1975 war, its action has been extended to the protection of marginalized and exploited children. The Nabaa Center welcomes youth and children who are not enrolled in school to give them educational and psychological as well as a social follow-up. | The acquisition of laptops and tablets that will benefit vulnerable youth and children who are not enrolled in school, introducing them to digital. |
Mar Semaan Center welcomes yearly between 70 and 95 young Lebanese born in disadvantaged families and sometimes victims of abuses. The objective of the center is to take in charge these children for free (accommodation, food, psychological and medical care) and ensure a high-quality education for them. | The setting up a library in the dormitory which welcomes 90 young people in social and/or familial difficulty. |
Fondation Sociale St Antoine is supported by the Center for Development Democracy and Governance (CDDG) for the project of the Maronite Orphanage. Its mission is to welcome orphans, abandoned and poor children in boarding schools and enroll them into the school system, without distinction of nationality and/or religion. | The renovation of numerous study areas in an orphanage in Tripoli which hosts 120 children. |
Annas Linnas encourages social cohesion between Lebanese people and refugees, which has been threatened since the beginning of the war in Syria. Its mission is to rescue the most deprived and ensure them the right to education. The association supports Naameh, the Charity House’s school which enrolls Syrian and Palestinian refugees into the school system. | The acquisition of a school bus allowing young Syrian refugees settled in the region to have access to school and participate to leisure and sports activities. This bus will also be useful for food aid distribution. |