China United Lines continues to build on its service portfolio, launching a joint China-India service with Pacific International Lines, Regional Container Lines and Interasia Lines.
Five ships, each ranging from 2,500 to 2,800TEU, will be assigned to the service. PIL will deploy two ships, while CULines, RCL and Interasia Lines will each assign one vessel.
The Chinese state-owned CULines is marketing the service as the China-India Express, while Interasia Lines, RCL and PIL are respectively branding the route as China – India – Haiphong service (CIH), RCL China – Western India service (RWA), and as South China India Express (SIS), respectively.
The service departs Nansha and calls at Shekou, Singapore, Port Klang (both Westports and Northports terminals), Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Port Klang, Haiphong and Nansha. The first sailing will be on 23 October.
Originally a non-vessel owning common carrier (NVOCC), CULines developed its liner service with intra-Asia routes, before expanding into the Asia-Europe and Trans-Pacific lanes this year, with freight rates reaching a historical high.
Martina Li
Asia Correspondent