Maersk Line, who’s ship the Maersk Essen lost around 750 containers in a Pacific storm on 16 January, has said that the discharge of damaged containers at its terminal in Mexico should take two to three weeks.
[s2If is_user_logged_in()]Upon the arrival of the ship in Lázaro Cárdenas, expected by Friday 29 January, the condition of the vessel and cargo onboard will be assessed, “All going well, the intention remains for the Maersk Essen to then call Los Angeles to deliver the cargo that is unaffected. At this point in time we are not anticipating the need to reroute the cargo from Lazaro Cardenas by land (rail) or alternate vessel, but we cannot rule out any option until the contingency plan is finalised,” said the carrier in a statement.[/s2If]
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